Solutions of Hair Loss

The Causes of Excessive Hair Loss

The Causes of Excessive Hair Loss - Hormonal changes, irritation or damage, some of the growth phase of hair follicles produces hair shorter and thinner and shorter. As I wrote in a previous article, any person experiencing hair cycle different. In general, the growth of hair on the head is called anagen, which can last for 2-3 years. During the growth phase of the hair from the hair loss, the hair grows less than 2 inches per month with a time interval that is called Telogen. In the telogen phase lasts for 3-4 months. At this lag phase will experience a loss of hair and then replaced by new hair growth.
The Causes of Excessive Hair Loss

In general, most of us experience hair loss every day. Hair thinning is usually caused by factors increasing age. If hair loss is more than the hairs that grow, and if the hair grows thinner than hair loss in certain parts. Infections such as ringworm can invade the hair and scalp that cause hair loss, excessive hair loss is the first. But it will grow back if the infection has resolved. Ringworm fungus is easily treatable using a topical antifungal drugs or drunk.

The causes of excessive hair loss are a state body that nutritional deficiencies and other nutritional values ​​such as intake of iron if someone is on a diet so loud and undisciplined nutritional intake and other components needed in the body is reduced. Certain types of drugs are taken continuously which then cause side effects that cause hair loss in some have. In some women who use contraceptives like oral pills also have a negative effect on hair loss

Certain diseases also have a significant role which causes excessive hair loss (read more : Diseases that Cause Hair Loss ). Changes in the body and hormonal imbalance also has an active role in hair loss problems. These hormonal changes can occur in a woman during pregnancy, someone who entered menopause, side effects of contraceptive pills and thyroid gland imbalance.

Chemicals contained in hair care ingredients such as colored hair, mask, or hair is made in such a way. Tying hair too tightly can also provides role in hair loss as well. Hair that had tied up the pull too tight when making the hair roots become strained and weakened so that it is possible easily brittle hair and hair follicles become weak. - The Causes of Excessive Hair Loss
Tag : Causes, Hair Loss
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