Solutions of Hair Loss

Causes of Hair Loss During Pregnancy

Causes of Hair Loss During Pregnancy - The gestation period is a time of happiness for women. Waiting for the fetus to grow day by day will make the ladies can not wait to see what the face of the baby at birth. But of all the happiness, sometimes tucked concern is hair loss during pregnancy.
Cause of Hair Loss During Pregnancy

If you experience this, you are not alone. Millions of women who are pregnant are also experiencing the same problem. This loss varies, there is still within normal limits (no more than 100 strands per day), until there are already severe. Actually what causes hair loss during pregnancy? Below the explaining about Hair Loss During Pregnancy.

Effect of Hormone Pregnancy To Protect Babies 

Dr. Schwartz in website explains that the most likely factor is the influence of hormonal changes during pregnancy.

Your hormone balance shifts drastically and these hormones will be used very much to the growth of the fetus. When the baby is born, it will be back to normal hormones to protect the mother.

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Here are Tips for healthy hair when you're in the pregnancy:
- Use mild shampoo or types that contain biotin or sulfur to stimulate hair growth.

- Better to cut your hair short, because long hair will be heavy and the hair roots are not strong enough to withstand, resulting in hair loss so much easier.

- Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables that contain flafonoid to protect the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. Fruit containing flavonoids such as strawberries and apples - the highest flavonoid content.

- Avoid hairbrush to comb wet hair so that the hair does not tangle and uprooted.
Use a hairdryer because cold temperatures at hot temperatures will heat the hair follicles so the hair roots so weak.

- If you experience loss of more than 100 strands a day or even approaching baldness, immediately consult with your doctor-may experience hormonal imbalances that need special treatment. - Causes of Hair Loss During Pregnancy
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